Our founder @thattillyrose has just REVEALED the cover for her upcoming book Be Patient!

‘It's the sleepover from hell that no one prepared you for. The doctors have gone to medical school, the nurses have gone to uni - but what about the patients?’
A book written from hospital beds, wards & waiting rooms. Tilly lived out her chapters whilst she wrote them.
On 17th April 2025, Tilly's story is going to be shared with the world!
Tilly Rose says "Be Patient really has become ‘my something good, out of something bad’. It is part of my wider mission to impact patient care and to give patients a voice. So many of you have kindly asked how you could help my team and me over the last year. There is now something you CAN do! Pre-ordering a copy of ‘Be Patient’ and spreading the word about it, would mean so much to us."
Available NATIONWIDE on Amazon, Waterstones, Blackwell’s & Bookshop.org:
Available WORLDWIDE from Blackwell's: https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/Be-Patient-by-Tilly-Rose/9781780726229
Tilly has also paired up Coles, a lovely indie bookshop where you can pre-order a ‘signed and dedicated’ copy of Be Patient. When pre-ordering with them you can submit a personal message to someone in your life which Tilly will write in the book: https://coles-books.co.uk/be-patient-life-by-tilly-rose-signed-edition
"Huge thank you to all of you for following my story and cheering my team and me on. it really has kept us going and now I plan to use my story for a much bigger purpose. I have seen too much and changing patient care is no longer a choice. This is just the beginning."