By @nickielouise112
I got diagnosed with Endometrioses in 2014 during my 2nd year of nurse training. This year, I have been a qualified RCN for 9 years. I now work part time to try and manage and help my symptoms. I was diagnosed at the age of 24. However, I started suffering from symptoms at the age of 15 when my periods first started. I’m now 35 years old, so over 10 years of having a diagnosis and reason behind why from the start of my periods they have always been so painful and challenging.
In June 2023, I had surgery and extensive Endometriosis was found once again. My Endometriosis was not only all over my peritoneum & abdominal wall and ovaries but was sadly, on my bladder. I have to ISC due to the damage undiagnosed bladder endometriosis has caused. I also have extensive and severe Adenomyosis. I had to have 4 surgeries/procedures in 2023, in relation to endometriosis. This was absolutely relentless and exhausting!
From July - December I was in chemical menopause having monthly injections and having to navigate the minefield that is HRT!
Adenomyosis & Endometriosis doesn’t just affect you in a medical way, it can really affect your mood and well being as the symptoms can cause you to miss out on social events and can also feel quite isolating . I’m under 8 departments of the hospital.
This is a full body disease, definitely not just a bad period!