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“You’ve done it before, so I’m sure you can do it again”

By Jay Hunter

@jay.huntr on Instagram

“You've done it before, and I'm sure you'll do it again.”

Sometimes, what you need to hear comes unexpectedly from a surprising source.

A former colleague “CQ” sent me that quote as an aside during a reply to my networking email.

Since contracting COVID-19, the last 18 months have been extremely difficult. I’ve barely been able to work and haven't worked full-time since summer ‘22 while coping with the disabling nature of my current health challenges.

The combination of managing adrenal insufficiency and chronic migraine disease on top of absorption issues and other complications of my Crohn’s disease even while it’s in clinical remission has occupied my entire existence.

Please don’t take your good health for granted because as soon as you lose it, you’ll do anything and everything to try to get it back.

I’m finally coming back to a new baseline of living through combinations of aggressive medication treatments (at least five current therapies for the migraine disease alone) as well as regular therapy appointments, mild exercise, smart nutrition choices and frankly, dumb luck or other factors outside of my control or our human abilities to currently comprehend — infer whatever you want or need out of that spiritually, etc.

Although “CQ” sent me that email after my health upswing started, it was still a perfect reminder of what I needed to hear.

I’ve been incredibly pessimistic and depressed earlier this year as nothing my team of medical professionals and I tried was improving my health.

Losing hope is one of the worst states of existence.

Chronic and rare diseases both steal hope from you in ways that are mainly irrefutable.

My Crohn’s disease, adrenal insufficiency and absorption issues will never be cured. As one of my many doctors says:

“Jay, you’re not normal!”

whenever I ask about certain symptoms or issues.

And, he’s right, functionally, I’m not normal as I’m missing parts of my body: parts of organs, glands and hormones.

I’m a stubborn person who’s lost most of my independence over the last four years due to my fight with chronic, incurable — mainly invisible — and rare diseases.

I’ve hit the bottom of holes before and even though this last one was the deepest yet, I’m climbing back out of it even if I slide back down occasionally.

Chronic illnesses don’t fit into our capitalistic society or chronological timelines. I try to remind myself — with help from my therapist — that everyone’s life is unique and different.

Success is a flawed mindset. I simply now seek contentment in my life which is different than pursuing happiness, a temporary emotion.

What’s the Point?

I’m a broken record of a Mr. Rogers impersonator — you can take the boy of Pittsburgh — but be [pejorative] kind and learn how to have empathy!

Also to anyone else out there struggling, I’ll never tell you it gets better, but as “CQ” says you've done it before, and I'm sure you'll do it again.


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